The Finance Dinos is a conversational book about teaching kids financial literacy. This is the second book that I worked on with Cures of Colors and being accepted as an illustrator after the internship program in 2021. This book allows children to color and read along about the process of using money while gaining advice on how to save and the many uses of it as well. This was worked on within a creative team of 4 illustrators: Amy Chang, Brisa Sisk, Mattie Schott, Sophia Mavrolas, and Zareth Halaby. Along with creative advisors and supervisors: Katherine Sanderson, Isaac Sanchez and Brittany Chung (founder of Cures of Colors). Together, we were able to create this book remotely, and meet weekly via zoom to discuss ideas, and concept designs. This book will be up on the Cures of Colors website within the Summer of 2022. Below are character designs that are approved by my creative advisors and given permission to post in my portfolio.
Pages I Worked On

Cover Logo
(Left - First Draft Right - Final Draft)
(Left - First Draft Right - Final Draft)

Character Designs